Messenger Lite

Messenger Lite

Varies with device
Android OS
Varies by device

IMPORTANT: Messenger Lite no longer exists. Meta decided to shut down the app in 2020 without specifying the reasons why, leaving available only the conventional Messenger app. You can still access to all your messages from this app. 

Social media is a great phenomenon that is happening right now. Everybody has a profile on at least one platform and we all love to post in them our daily thought or events. It is super fun and the man benefit is that you can reach out to other people easily, with just a few buttons. But, if we talk about popular platforms to meet o find people and chat with them, we have to mention Facebook. In here you can chat with other people if you add them as a friend, and if you download Messenger Lite, you will have the perfect app to communicate with them.

Facebook is by far the most popular social media platform in the world. There are millions of active users and it keeps growing every year. This is way the company developed another app to use it as a chat, because it is very probable that all your friends and family have a Facebook profile. This app is extremely useful, safe and fun, because you can share great content with the people you love.

Messenger Lite is the small version of this app. There is an original one but it is way heavier than this one. The main difference is that, just the weight of the app, because with Messenger Lite you still have all the same features and options, but the app runs faster, loads faster, works faster and smoother and it doesn’t take all the space on your storage.

So, if you want to know more about this app, keep reading this post to know it all and how you can get it right now on your phone.

Why choosing Messenger Lite over other apps?

If you already have a Facebook profile, then you probably have some friends added. When you login in the desktop version, you see that there is a chat in the bottom of the page. This service is integrated into the main Facebook app, but the app is so heavy that some smartphones can’t run the app smoothly. If this is a problem that you have, then you need to download the Messenger Lite version.

The Lite version is an app that weighs less than half of the other one. This means that this app don’t take much space on your phone, so you can have more storage for more apps or files on your devices. Also, this means that the Messenger app will work faster, so you don’t have to wait a lot for it to load videos, stories or similar. This app will work for you perfectly, especially if you have a smartphone with little space.

So, if you think about it, with this app you will be able to reach out to all your friends on Facebook. You just need to search for them and send them a message. It is instantly, so you won’t have to wait much. Also, as we mentioned, it is light, fast, it works smoothly and it won’t take much space on your device, which is beneficial.

All the things you can do with Messenger Lite?

The main benefit of this app is that you can chat with all your friends and family easily. If you have them as friends, then they will show up in this app too. But this app is way more than that, because it allows you to express yourself the way you need it and it offers different tools to communicate better.

In the chat window you will see that you are able to send multimedia files. This means that you can send or receive photos, GIFs, stickers, emojis, videos, locations, links and so much more. Also, you can even send files, like documents, presentations, sheets and more. So, you can be sure that with this app you will be able to do all the necessary to communicate with people effectively.

Another great feature is the stories option. In here you can take a picture or video, or take it at the moment to share it with friends. These stories will last 24 hours, so you can upload all the pictures or videos you want to share, and then they will be deleted. Your friends can comment on these pictures, so you can interact with them easily. You can also comment and watch their stories so you all will have fun with it.

So, as you can see, Messenger Lite is a great app that allows you to communicate and reach out with all your friends and family very simple. If you want to download it right now, just keep reading this post to know all the steps you need to take to get it on your phone. The process is super simple and you have to options to do it.

How to download Messenger Lite?

If you want to download Messenger Lite right now you have two options, as we already said. First, just have to tap on the download button that is on this post. Then, this will take you to another page where you just have to follow the instructions to get it. The process is fast and simple.

The seconds choice: this app is available for Android and iOS devices, so you can also find it through the Google Play Store or at the App Store. The app is completely free and you won’t need to pay for anything. Enjoy the liberty of communicating with other once you download Messenger Lite.





Messenger Lite

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