Future-proof your bureau with automated payroll software

Paycircle’s market-leading Payroll Bureau software simplifies complex payroll tasks such as RTI submissions, CIS calculations, and auto-enrolment, saving bureaus valuable time and resources. With advanced automation capabilities that allow you to run payroll in seconds and customisable reporting, each feature is catered to bureau-specific workflows, allowing for seamless integration with existing systems and efficient client management. 

With Paycircle, payroll bureaus can refine manual processes, scale operations and deliver a superior service to clients.

Payroll Bureau Software Example

Key features of our Payroll Bureau software

Our HMRC recognised payroll software for accountants and bureaus simplifies complex payroll tasks such as RTI submissions, CIS calculations, and auto-enrolment, and comes with a suite of customisable reports.

Take a look at Paycircle’s powerful features, designed to save bureaus valuable time and resources:


Advanced automation

Submitting pension files, sending payslips, scheduling HMRC payments and email communication has never been easier. Our fully-automated software heavily reduces time-consuming and error-prone manual tasks so you can add value where it's needed most.


Run payroll in seconds  

Paycircle will auto-run your payroll in seconds every month, across multiple clients via bulk run. You can relax knowing you’ll receive an alert if there are any potential issues that need your attention.


Collaborative workflows

We’ve built a stack of powerful in-app collaboration tools to give bureaus a modern and organised approach to sharing data and managing their processes, tasks and deadlines. Each feature is catered to bureau-specific workflows, allowing for seamless integration with existing systems and efficient client management.


Bespoke customer portals

Our bespoke customer portals ensure you and your customers can access the information they need, when they need it, with an intuitive interface designed with the user at its heart.


Industry-leading access control

Industry-leading access control with bespoke access for different roles means your data is secure and accessible only by the right people. Advanced features like MFA can protect your workforce from illicit access to their logins.


Switch anytime of year

Having issues with existing payroll software? No need to wait for payroll year end to make the change. Migrate your payroll software to Paycircle anytime of year with our easy supported onboarding.

HMRC recognised and RTI compliant

Paycircle is recognised by HMRC and accredited by the CIPP’s Payroll Assurance Scheme; and with our proactive alerts you can be sure you never miss a thing.

With notifications on HMRC legislations, built-in accuracy checks and GDPR reporting, Paycircle helps keep you on the right side of regulations for you and your clients.

HMRC Recognised And RTI Compliant Payroll Bureau Software

Proud to be trusted by the UK’s leading bureaus and accountants

Effortlessly switch to Paycircle, at any time

Don’t wait till year-end to upgrade your payroll processing systems - our effortless managed onboarding means we can support your move at any time of the year. Our low-risk cloud migration and support team ensures you are onboarded quickly, efficiently and accurately, in the way that best works for you.

From the minute you start working with us, you will find our commitment to supporting your bureau a breath of fresh air. Making life easy for our customers is our number one priority. Let's talk.

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Payroll Bureau Software Example

Related resources

Payroll Bureau software FAQs

Payroll bureau software is a SaaS platform designed to help payroll bureaus efficiently manage the payroll process for multiple clients. It automates tasks such as payroll calculations, tax deductions, and report generation, streamlining operations and ensuring accuracy. Payroll bureau software typically includes features tailored to the needs of bureaus, such as client management, compliance monitoring, and integration with other systems. It enables payroll bureaus to handle complex payroll tasks with ease, providing clients with accurate and timely payroll services while saving time and resources.

Payroll bureau software is designed for payroll bureaus or service providers who manage payroll processing on behalf of multiple clients. It is ideal for businesses or individuals offering payroll outsourcing services, including accountants, bookkeepers, HR consultants, and payroll specialists.

The "best" payroll software for accounting firms can depend on various factors such as your specific requirements, budget, and scale. It’s important to consider a range of factors, such as robust features, reliability, level of support and user-friendliness.

Paycircle is competitively priced, with ease-of-use and affordability making it a popular choice for bureaus and accountants across the UK. Pricing will depend on a number of factors including system users and customisable functionality required. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements and we will provide a tailored quote.

Talk with an expert

If you need advice we are always here to talk. Just fill in the form below and one of our Payroll Bureau Software experts will be in touch straight away.

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